This is the new gold finding tool invented by one of our club members.
updated 04-05-2010
This is the display for the new classifying shovels, invented by a member and built by the members of the North Bend Prospectors. The shovel has been narrowed to 4" and a plate welded on the back so material will not run out prematurely. |
Barbara Jorge talks with President Bob Baldwin prior to the show opening at the Roseburg Gold Show hosted by the Douglas County Prospectors
There are 3 varities of shovel displayed. All have been narrowed to 4" to classify material as you dig. The smallest one comes apart to put in a backpack or it can be used as a hand digger. |
This is the display at the Puyallup Gold Show. note the pink shovels on the display. The Hooters girls sold these to raise money for the Breast Cancer Foundation. | 3 Hooters girls posing with President Bob Baldwin at the show. We sold a lot of pink shovels thanks to the girls and the cause. Thanks go to all the people who purchased a pink shovel. | This picture shows the backpack shovel and the pink shovel. Note the sides and back. Dirt will not fall off the shovel when digging in the water. |
Here's a closeup of the shovel head. These shovels are 4" wide and will push bigger rocks aside while getting to the smaller gravels. | Here's a closeup of the front of the shovel. | This picture shows the small shovel in the breakdown mode. It collapses to fit into a backpack. It can also be used as a scoop. |
for more information, contact me at: cowboy444